Contact Us
Please send all correspondence to mattdaskil at gatech dot edu. Please include the word "rave" in the subject of your emails.
Please contact us if you find any bugs (yes, there will be bugs) and, if you can, describe what you were doing when the bug occurred. We are also very interested in hearing about your experiences with Rave, and your questions about Rave, including but of course not limited to:
- Why you do or don't like Rave
- How do you use Rave? What functions do you use most often?
- What other programs you use for visualization, optimization, etc., and why you like them
- What other data formats would you like to see supported in Rave?
- What other visualizations, optimizers, statistical methods, surrogate models, etc. would you like to see implemented in Rave?
- How can we improve support for user-supplied functions?
- How can we improve the user interfaces?
- Any other additional capabilities you'd like to see implemented in Rave